“To be a good professional engineer, always start to study late for exams because it teaches you how to manage time and tackle emergencies.”
What could be the most dangerous thing in the world? It is a thought. Once a thought has occupied your mind it is impossible to eradicate it from there. A man is what he thinks. Often you don’t require sophisticated skills to overcome a problem. The very simple thought that comes to your mind at that time can decide the way by which you can tackle that issue. The way you approach is the key to your door.
A well-born thought in your mind creates a concept about the subject. Then your thoughts, words and deeds will be followed by that concept. A thought can be good and at the same time it can be malevolent as well. In the former case, it has led to great inventions and discoveries the world has ever had. But a thought can be a slow poison, as says in the latter. Train your mind in such a way that you are able to tame the flow of your thoughts. Give birth to good thoughts. Then you can succeed in the time of trouble. It is not a big deal as practice makes a man perfect. Inflow of new thoughts can remake you.
Manipulations of universe are seen everywhere. Even human being is one of them. As everything is interrelated, thoughts in one’s mind are also related. The concepts made by thoughts in your mind take the decision for you knowingly or unknowingly in times of need.
It is said that “A calm sea does not make skilled sailors.” When you get problems in your life, never go down. They make you perfect. If you do your daily routines and you complete your works before time, how would you be exposed to problems? Such persons only know how to do their job, when they are in safe zone. They walk and they avoid holes not to fall in. But they don’t know how to rise up from there. The words from a very noted and successful business tycoon underline this fact. “To be a good professional engineer, always start to study late for exams because it teaches you how to manage time and tackle emergencies.” The world today does not want a person devoid of problems and shortcomings but needs the one who cope with any situations. When you don’t study you study how to study. Only a good thought is needed. The day before your exam, the mind of yours determines the way you can perform. The more you believe in yourselves, the more you will be able to do the job. Put yourselves to problems and take the advantage of it. A positive approach towards anything can take you to success. For this, there must be good thoughts coming from your mind. On the verge of falling down, a well-born thought can help you to rise up from your ashes. Inspirations and encouragements must come from one’s own mind. Amidst the utmost despair preserve your hope firm and unshaken because the ramblings of a scribbled mind are powerful than the telltale traits of a perfectionist.