If she had not gone from my life, I would have been never knowing what love is. Love is not being sincere to your partner. Love is not making her happy always. Love is not being honest and truthful to her. It is not that you devote your life for your dearest. Then what? Love starts from self realisation because it cannot exist without you. Self love is the beginning of true love. Everything else is a blind emotion, mere manifestation of your own thoughts. The definition you marked from your fantasy.

I never in my love realised who I am. I completely neglected my duties, my responsibilities. I was in search of someone whom I could love to the fullest. Negligence was the outcome. Tragical was the payoff. For, she does not deserve that. Why should I love someone more than me. Probably, she might have got frustrated of getting so much amount of love. The fact "Everything happens for a reason" sounds meaningful sometimes. Now I realise the amount of energy in me. The power of love that dwells inside my heart. Looking back, I am able to connect the dots of my life, not someone else's. I will now define love as the manifestation of God.

The perfect ingredients of any love are

"Loving yourself to the maximum as your life is a gift of God. You are given with a life. You are born with a purpose. Go for it"
"Love your partner not more than you but as you love yourself"

Never waste your time spending someone else's life. You don't have to start searching anything in your life(though it contradicts with my previous post). At the right time, everything comes to you in the perfect way than you expect. Be passionate of what you do. Follow your intuitions. Live your present.

"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."(Buddha)

This is my testimony of love - a 6 year old testimonial !