In the midst of abundance, I realized that I have a sky to blanket, but still it is cool. I have oceans to drink, but still I am thirst. I have an earth to live, but still I am nomad. Just like the pain of a king amidst the rich.
Have you ever heard of a story that in a land where sun did not give any light and for that a universe itself was created there by the God of Heavens? It happened for me. I realized the truth that even when I thought I was losing something; I was at the peak of my gain. He has given me the blessings at the right time, even those went astray have been made good. It was like whenever I kept mum, He fought for me.
I asked for a flower, but a spring was the fruit. I had many a questions, the questions that made me to live. The answer was meticulously perfect. My belief was made into flesh. Without her, I might have flown like a bat in the rains. Now I see a dream, by which I live. A dream to love my sweetheart, beyond the maximum. I see my life after through the eyes of my beloved unless I am dead. The creativity inside me is the essence of the love within us. When I am away from you oh my dear, I feel like the pain of a magnet when it is withdrawn from the magnetic field of its pair. You are the unspoken words of my abandoned dumbness. When I look at you I am starving because of your charismatic love.